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2021 the 10th mechanical intelligence exhibition in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province will be grandly opened on May 23
Published time: 2021-06-02 Views: 2342
Innovation + industry! Taizhou will promote deep integration

Recently, the municipal Party committee and the municipal government have held a special conference on scientific and technological innovation and talent development in the city to mobilize and guide the whole city to focus on scientific and technological innovation and talent work, continuously improve the innovation content of high-quality development, and provide strong support for creating a desirable "happy water Paradise" and the rise of industrial growth pole in Central China.

The meeting proposed:

1. We should improve the efficiency of platform transformation in the direction of market-oriented reform, optimize the system and mechanism by using market thinking, release the innovation ability, and promote the two-way integration and one cycle of industry and innovation.

2. We should take the financing cooperation as the path to stimulate the innovation vitality of enterprises, focus on reconstructing the financing innovation mode of multi-agent cooperation, give play to the leading and supporting role of large enterprises, drive the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises as the birthplace of innovation, and improve the overall efficiency of industrial innovation.

3. With the characteristics of full cycle empowerment, we should unblock the blood of science and technology finance, vigorously develop venture capital, realize the normal docking with diversified investment institutions and multi-level capital market, and make innovative enterprises truly "born in science and technology and good at finance".

The development of Taizhou city is changing with each passing day. The 10th China Taizhou International Machinery Exhibition 2021 will be held in Taizhou International Exhibition Center from May 23 to 25. The exhibition has three exhibition areas: machine tool and Mould Exhibition, industrial robot exhibition and laser cutting exhibition. It is estimated that about 350 exhibitors will participate in the exhibition with an exhibition are